Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Gun Law for the United States of America

Congratulations to the citizens of the United States of America! March 1, 2010, marks the day when you are permitted to carry your handguns, shotguns, and rifles, into American national parks - depending on the sate you are in of course. This new federal law does not speak for every state; it is up to the individual state to determine what it will permit regarding firearms. Consider if the national park you are visiting lies between the boundaries of two different states. Again, depending on the individual state, you may or may not, be permitted to carry your firearm. If you are alone and stumble across a Grizzly bear in your travels, ensure to flash them your double barrelled shot gun - that will certainly scare them away! Keep in mind that although it may be legal to carry your firearm, it remains illegal to fire a weapon or kill an animal.

Consider the level of safety and security in today's society. An estimated 3,600 major crimes including 5 homicides and 37 rapes were reported in American national parks in 2008. As Roosevelt stated during his opening speech at Yellowstone national park, the world's first national park, the park was created "for the benefit and enjoyment of the people". Does that speech. Does that speech still apply to today's society? National parks are supposed to be a sanctuary for people that want to get away from life's daily hustle and bustle, worries, and work, and simply want to enjoy nature's beauty. Now, when you take your family for a Sunday picnic, you not only have to be watchful of wildlife and mosquitoes, but now shotguns as well! Children are growing up thinking that it is okay to carry firearms with them literally everywhere they go.

Because of this new law, there are no relaxing sanctuary's for people to escape to and let their worries disappear. "Visitors are going to go to national parks with an increased amount of suspicions, weariness and concern", said Bill Wade, president of the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees. Wade continued to say that the "new law will erase the park system's reputation as a place of solitude and safety.

Don't get me wrong, I fully support gun owners and their desire to practice their sport. As an avid target shooter myself, I jump at every chance I get to practice; however, I would never carry a firearm into a national park and cause havoc and unnerve everyone around me simply because I am a target shooter and I want the whole world to know. I do not understand the reasoning behind this new law, it still remains illegal to fire your weapon or hunt; therefore, I cannot justify bringing a rifle into a national park.

Congratulations again governor's of the United States of America. You are well on your way to ruining national parks.

For more details, visit:

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